Information about the meat markets is easy to obtain. There are a multitude of sources. So what makes PSI any different?
We are always forward-looking
Most of the reports that you read today are merely descriptions of what has already happened. You’re probably more interested in what’s going to happen. Of course, you know that no one can predict the future….but would it not be more useful to hear about the future instead of the past?
We are not afraid to "lay it on the line"
Right or wrong, we'll tell you what we're thinking. We'll tell you what we think we know, and what we don't know. "Wishy-Washiness" is what we try to avoid most of all.
Our own money is at risk
While provision of information is the primary business of PSI, this information is a natural product of the research we must do to support our own trading business in both cash meat and futures markets. In other words, the information we share forms the foundation for our own trading strategies. This means that we are paying particularly close attention to the details behind our analysis.
Our analysis is based on scientific, statistically-oriented techniques
Forecasts are not made on the basis of intuition, nor are they based merely on seasonal trends; they are grounded in statistical probability, based on objective assessment of supply and demand conditions, making use of an extensive data base and advanced analytical techniques.
We are not new at this game
With nearly 40 years of experience trading livestock futures and more than 25 years of direct experience in procurement of meat products for major supermarket and restaurant chains, PSI is equipped to deliver a seasoned and disciplined approach to development of procurement and hedging strategies.